Writing an informative essay
Intro To Philosophy Research Paper Topics
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
What are the most important factors that influence the National Health Essay
What are the most significant variables that impact the National Health Service in Modern Britain - Essay Example This paper investigations the powerful factors that have molded the basic parts of the National Health Service in present day Britain. With a troublesome foundation where state claimed medical clinics, the general professionals and network just as the domiciliary social insurance based administrations worked as free legal substances, another methodology towards a modernized framework concerning the arrangement of thorough and co-ordinated medicinal services administrations was quick expected to supplant the old request (Markwell, 2009). The origination of the term â€Å"modern†means a time (1960s onwards) portrayed by the reception of a comprehensive casing of reference where conventional procedures were/are basically reevaluated over to catch the regularly growing customer enthusiasm for a scope of integral social insurance approaches in the wake of a more grounded wave of counter-culture (Daunton and Rieger, 2001). With industrialisation within reach, innovation and political elements have assumed crucial jobs in coordinating approach moves in similarity with an all the more requesting and expanding people . As indicated by the Guillebaud Report, the changing patterns in medical problems and sickness, the requirement for agreeable working connections between the general specialists and open emergency clinics towards increasingly proficient preventive instruments, and the requirement for sufficient social insurance arrangement to the developing number of the old in their own homes were issues of worry that should have been tended to if the nation was in fact genuine in satisfying each reasonable human services need of its populace (Markwell, 2009). Truth be told, the effect of the developing quantities of the maturing populace on the NHS is for sure enormous; the normal open consumption for resigned family units has almost multiplied that for non-resigned families. The 2007/08 normal estimation of NHS administrations for resigned and non-resigned populace remained at  £5,200 and  £2,800 separately; an away from of direct effect on
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Chicago Essay Samples - How to Learn to Cook Chicken
Chicago Essay Samples - How to Learn to Cook Chicken'I am writing an essay about chicken,' you may be thinking. I hope that this Chicago essay samples will help you make the whole thing a bit easier.First of all, you should really ask yourself if you have ever cooked a chicken. Many people have cooked chicken. The average person is not someone who cooks a lot of chicken. Therefore, it is very possible that you do not know how to cook a chicken and that is fine.Chicago essay samples are helpful because they provide you with plenty of ways to not only 'cook' a chicken but also to actually read through the written material you need. I personally prefer the 'eating a chicken' approach but it is entirely up to you. But let's face it; the term 'ingredients' is going to sound weird. Anyway, that is the first step.The second step to getting started is simply to open up the Chicago essay samples to the page where you would like to start. You can click on the word 'chicken' or something simila r. It will bring up a separate page with all of the items that you need to write about.Second, when you find the items you want to write about, you should write your thoughts on them in the appropriate section. You should not begin writing just yet though because there is much more to writing than just filling in boxes. It takes practice and lots of practice.Third, you should then go to the next item and continue to write until you are finished. Just remember to end on a positive note so that you will be able to add a few sentences to your final draft. One tip I can give you is to not end the essay on a down note. If you do this, people will read it and think that you were only looking to get out of writing the essay.Now that you know these Chicago essay samples, you should start writing and creating the perfect essay. It is a great way to earn some extra credit, or you can actually use your essay for college or something else.Also, remember to take notes on your right side so that when you are finished writing you can save the table of contents so that you do not forget what you are writing about. In fact, I would highly recommend that you save the table of contents as a PDF file so that you can print it out and have it right in front of you whenever you need it.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Gender Socialization And Gender Roles - 999 Words
Early gender socialization is perhaps one of the most relevant issues and debates of early childhood. The beginnings of stereotypes for gender roles are typically established at birth, and continue a process of learning specific cultural roles and standards in accordance with the sex of the individual. Gendered interactions begin early in the family and hence influence the process of gendered socialization, as was such the case for myself growing up. Socialization comes from a number of sources: religion, peers, schooling, media, parents, and the overall family unit. For myself growing up, I was immensely influenced by my family and their expectations as far as gendered socialization. I was raised in the small city of Del City in Oklahoma. Growing up, both of my parents were in the picture, but my mom was single, while I saw my dad every weekend. I also had two sisters for my siblings. We played with traditional toys for girls: dolls, babies, little kitchen sets, and the like. In a sense, we were like any other ‘normal’ American family, honoring such holidays as Thanksgiving and Christmas. On these holidays, my extended and immediate family would always get together and celebrate these holidays with big family dinners. Memories such as these made my childhood very special. Overall when I reflect on my childhood, I felt secure in my relationships and was shown ample love from my parents and family. My mom was a more ‘traditional’ figure of the household as sheShow MoreRelatedGender Socialization And Gender Roles998 Words  | 4 Pagesattention to the gender equality issues many societies face. Is this increased awareness helping towards a neutral gendered socialization process which will inevitably eliminate the inequality? Gender socialization is the process where an individual is impacted by agents of socialization through their life stages which consequently creates the gender roles we see in today’s society. The only way to start working towards a gender equal world is by making changes towards the gender socialization process. GenderRead MoreGender Roles And Gender Socialization985 Words  | 4 PagesForum 1: Gender Roles and Gender Socialization 1.  Explain why gender is not a property of individuals but rather a feature of social situations. Give specific examples, including your own experiences, in which gender differences were assumed to be natural but were really social constructed. Note: It helps to distinguish between the concepts of sex and gender in answering this question (see definitions in Chapter 3 and lecture notes). Gender is not a property of individual because it providesRead MoreGender Socialization And Gender Roles1452 Words  | 6 Pages120 Professor Lessor 5/14/2016 Gender role in socialization Gender socialization and gender roles have always existed in society. Gender roles are playing major part in our way of living. As we grow, we learn how to behave and respect from those surrounding us as well as children learn at a young age what it means to be a boy or a girl in our society . there are certain roles placed on boys and girls in accordance with their gender. These gender roles are set on children from birth andRead MoreGender Socialization And Gender Roles Essay2371 Words  | 10 PagesSociety has this unknown expectation for genders to have a type of distinction toward one another, attitudes and behaviors that males and females are required to have. Gender socialization is society’s way to categorize the propensity for males and females to be socialized differently. Media, violence, even politics has a large contribution to the division among genders in the 21st century creating by creating a new culture of independents. Media has been promoted very sele ctively and carefully,Read MoreSocialization Of Gender Roles1524 Words  | 7 Pagesborn, we are born into a world of conformity and obedience. Early in our lives, we look at authority figures like parents or teachers as these sentinels of guidance, as omnipotent beings with unwavering precision in their lessons. The concept of socialization is very perplexed, and it’s difficult to identify the variables that shape our development as we grow. As children, we communicate with the world free of inhibition, and find no fault in any of our actions; we could throw a tantrum and no one wouldRead MoreGender Socialization and Gender Roles Essay1184 Words  | 5 PagesGender socialization and gender roles have always existed in society. When analyzing gender roles, they are not always equal or consistent when comparing cultures, however, the expectations of females and males are often times clearly defined with a little to no common area. The Japanese culture is an example of th e defined gender roles that change over time. According to Schafer (2010), because â€Å"gender roles are society’s expectations of the proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males andRead MoreThe Role Of Socialization And Gender Roles852 Words  | 4 PagesINTRODUCTIOn tell me what you are focussing on†¦..family and theirgender roles Socialisation is the process by which a child learns to respect his or her environmental laws such as norms, values and customs. Socialisation helps the infant gradually become self-aware and a knowledgeable person, skilled in the ways of the culture into which he or she is born. Children within the primary socialisation of the family learn a great deal from parents and other care givers such as grandparents, grandmothersRead MoreThe Role Of Socialization On Gender Identity2394 Words  | 10 PagesThe Influence of Socialization on Gender Identity Gender-Role Conformity As evident from the generalized patterns found in differences in behaviour and outlook observed between the sexes, it may be tempting, as has been done in the past, to conclude that gender is an unavoidable aspect of human existence as determined purely from one s genes. Indeed, human physiology is subject to sexual dimorphism; statistically significant differences in brain size and rate of maturation of specific substructuresRead MoreGender Socialization Is The Process Of Learning Gender Roles And Expectations1177 Words  | 5 Pagestradition of gender socialization that facilitates prejudicial practices within the work environment. Gender socialization is the process of learning gender roles and expectations. It is what determines which things are considered masculine or feminine. This process tends to reinforce traditional gender ideologies. The cult of domesticity, or the idea that a woman’s place is in the home taking care of children while the man works, is one prominent expression of traditional gender roles. During childhoodRead MoreHow Toys Play A Role On Gender Socialization1229 Words  | 5 Pagesunusual for their gender. Toys are a prominent factor in this socialization, because they are typically presented for one gender and are unacceptable for the other. To assess how toys play a role in gender socialization, I made a trip to Toys â€Å"R†Us in College Station and was surprised by how the store was organized. The first thing that went through my mind when walking into the store was to look for the Girls and Boys signs that would indicate to me which section was for which gender. There weren’t
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Shakespeare the Plagiarist Essay - 1262 Words
Shakespeare the Plagiarist Shakespeare was a man of many accomplishments. Many were in his writings; others were in his great director and playwright skills. The play Hamlet is one of the most re-created and re-written books to date. Hamlet is still being performed in theaters around the world. Even though many people perceive Shakespeare as a literary genius, we can not give him sole credit for his plays and sonnets. With a few exceptions, Shakespeare did not invent the plots of his plays. Sometimes he used old stories (Hamlet, Pericles). Sometimes he worked from the stories of comparatively recent Italian writers, such as Boccaccio - using both well-known stories (Romeo and Juliet, Much Ado About Nothing) and little known ones†¦show more content†¦The father of Amleth(hamlet with H in the back), a governor of Jutland, to whom the king of Denmark had given his daughter Gerutha(similar to gertrude)in marriage, won fame by slaying the king of Norway in single combat. His brother Feng, murdered him, seized his office and married his wife, hence adding incest to unnatural mother. We may even be sure that the author of the Ur-Hamlet, imitating the Spanish Tragedy, invented the Mouse Trap, the Ghost and Ophelias death. Many of Shakespeares plays also depended a lot on astronomy. The first scene in Shakespeares Hamlet reminds us that in Shakespeares plays it was usual for dramatic events to be paralleled by heavenly bodies. At eight years of age Shakespeare was greatly influenced by the sudden appearance of the star and by his contemporary, Tycho Brahe, the famous astronomer. Tycho Brahe was 26 at the time.Show MoreRelatedPlagiarism In Literature795 Words  | 4 PagesThis is due to the fact that most ideas already exist, however, intentional plagiarism should not be excused for any reason. When an author’s work is consciously copied by another author, this is where the line is drawn. Some might say that if the plagiarist improves the original text, then he/she should get credit for the work. Others see it as a form of editing. But Fadiman realizes that plagiarism is corrupting literature, not advancing it. In â€Å"Nothing New Under the Sun†by Anne Fadiman, she usedRead MoreThe Ma in Beneficiary In Shakespeare’S Will Was Susanna,1256 Words  | 6 Pagesstrained father-daughter relationships. From this it is easy to gather that Shakespeare adored Susanna and loved her dearly. Had he not adored her, she more than likely would not have been mentioned in his will as often as she was and he would not have written plays based on her. William Shakespeare is credited with writing several plays throughout his lifetime. Some are certainly more well known than others. Shakespeare wrote comedies such as Tempest, Twelfth Night, and Midsummer Night’s Dream.Read MorePlot Construction of a Midsummer Nights Dream Essay718 Words  | 3 PagesShakespeare was one of the greatest dramatists of English literature. His dramas are universally known and popular. He wrote comedies and tragedies with a great success. Particularly, his comedies like As You Like It, A Midsummer Night Dream are very popular. His comedies provoke mirth and laughter and present sunnier aspects of life. The laughter of his comedies comes from characters and their actions. He took more interest in characters than plots yet his plots are woven properly. HisRead MoreIn The Years Before Abraham Lincoln Was Elected The Sixteenth1535 Words  | 7 Pagesplagiarizing as well, and wrote in his book: â€Å"Certain crude material he may have used, but it received the impress of his genius†¦It is a legitimate use that Poe made of such material; if the contrary were true, then Shakespeare and Cervantes and Defoe and Tennyson would be classified as plagiarists with equal reason.†Although the true genesis of the poem is still being debated, what is certain about the original â€Å"The Raven†is that Poe had hand-wrote the original draft. Although printing devices were availableRead MoreAn American Legacy : Edgar Allan Poe1362 Words  | 6 Pageseditor of the Southern Literary Messenger magazine in 1835. Headstrong and arrogant, he earned the nickname â€Å"The Tomahawk Man†because he was a brutal critic of other peoples’ writings, even accusing author Henry Wadsworth Longfellow of being a plagiarist. (Graves) The 1840’s was an especially tough period for Edgar Allan Poe. Still struggling with the loss of four family members to tuberculosis, it showed in the now-famous literature Poe would produce during this time. Among these were short storiesRead MoreAnalysis Of The 17th And 17th Centuries By Ben Jonson1489 Words  | 6 Pageswould have been familiar with one or both languages. Alexander Pope (1688–1744), another English poet and satirist, was a great imitator. According to one source, he borrowed anything and everything from Homer, Horace, Virgil, Chaucer, Spenser, Shakespeare, and Dryden. In the world of musical composition, George Frideric Handel (1685–1759) was a musical magpie. He took ideas for many of his melodies from a range of other European composers, a practice that was not altogether condemned but seen asRead More Schools and Education - Understanding the Rise in Apathy, Cheating and Plagiarism3796 Words  | 16 Pagesauthorial authority, and because the author’s audience knew the masters too, the student had no need to cite sources (Howard, â€Å"Plagiarisms†788). It isn’t until the late 17th Century that British authors begin hurling the accusation of plagiarist at each other. Ideologically this makes sense because after the fall of Rome, Western Europe fell into a dark age. Not until the Renaissance do we see another spurt of humanism that marked the great classic periods of Greece and Rome. Before theRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography: Plagiarism39529 Words  | 158 PagesIn cases of substantive plagiarism, there is often little dispute as to its occurrence. Conflicting interests of those involved or drawn into cases of plagiarism, however, give rise to a number of complexities (Lewis et al., 2011). It is in plagiarists interests to keep quiet about their practices. Victims and academic institutions affected by plagiarism may not be aware of the incident until it is brought to their attention by others. Yet when plagiarism is discovered, for the individuals
Under Age Drinking The Problems It Creates Essay Example For Students
Under Age Drinking : The Problems It Creates Essay Under Age Drinking : The Problems It CreatesIts a Saturday night, and the bars are packed. People are insidehaving a few, or more than a few, drinks. A select few are really drunk orpassed out. Now lets step outside and take a look at a different type ofdrinking, drinking at an early age. High school and junior high kids are at aparty drinking. Like the adults, some are just having a few, but quite a feware having more than that and are stumbling around. These kids have been given the idea that drinking is something thatadults do, and we all know that kids cant wait to be grown up. Thus, theydrink, figuring that if they can at least do what adults do then they will begrown up, in a way. This is how our society works. Enough with the philosophy of it. Now I would like to talk about theeffects that early age drinking can have on a person. I grew up in a town thathas the most bars per capata in the state of Montana and is in the top ten inthe United States. This has a huge effect on under age drinkers. The bars cardat the door and as long as your 18 your in. And since the bouncers will stampnearly anyone they know or like the number of kids is always high. It dosnthelp that Dillon is a college town and ther are many under age college kidsthere. Now lets imagine another party where kids are drinking. The bonfire is roaring, Bubba just decided that singeing everyoneseyebrows off by throwing some gasoline on the fire would be fun. Of coursenobody thought that this was very funny except for Bubba. Bubba is not the onlyteenage person at this party who has had a few to many. There are a lot ofunder age kids who are just plain drunk. This is a regular kind of party in myhometown, everyone goes out and drinks to get drunk. The sad thing is, thatthese kind of parties happen a lot of time twice a week expecially during thespring. All this partying catches up with these young peolpe. They dont getjobs because they are too tired from partying all night or all weekend long. Thier grades start slipping. The worst effect, however has to be the addictionto alcohol. Ive seen freshman who drink all the time because they feel theycant live without their alcohol. Of course you have to realize that this is aworst case scenario. I also know kids who drink just a little, they know theirlimits, and dont try to break them. Now heres another worst case scenario. A college kid has been studyingfor a few hours, you can feel the boredom in the room. He decides to take a fewminutes off and cracks open a beer to relieve the tension. The only problem isthat he doesnt stop there. He decides to have a few more, then after finishinga couple more he calls up his buddies and the go out and drink some more. Hewakes up in his room on his floor or in someone elses room, thinking he musthave passed out. He has a really bad hangover and decides to sleep it off. Hewakes up quite a bit later, and in the room next to him you can here his longstring of profanities. I guess he remembered the big test he is suppose to take. He crams in what material he can in what little time he has, knowing he wontbe able to learn it all. He takes the test and knows he failed, this the fifthtest he has failed so far and his GPA is way below par. Two days later he getsa letter saying that he is out of school for breaking academic probation, againthis is a worst case scenario. .uf564b31a183105b4c11295a2ddccc9d8 , .uf564b31a183105b4c11295a2ddccc9d8 .postImageUrl , .uf564b31a183105b4c11295a2ddccc9d8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf564b31a183105b4c11295a2ddccc9d8 , .uf564b31a183105b4c11295a2ddccc9d8:hover , .uf564b31a183105b4c11295a2ddccc9d8:visited , .uf564b31a183105b4c11295a2ddccc9d8:active { border:0!important; } .uf564b31a183105b4c11295a2ddccc9d8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf564b31a183105b4c11295a2ddccc9d8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf564b31a183105b4c11295a2ddccc9d8:active , .uf564b31a183105b4c11295a2ddccc9d8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf564b31a183105b4c11295a2ddccc9d8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf564b31a183105b4c11295a2ddccc9d8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf564b31a183105b4c11295a2ddccc9d8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf564b31a183105b4c11295a2ddccc9d8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf564b31a183105b4c11295a2ddccc9d8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf564b31a183105b4c11295a2ddccc9d8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf564b31a183105b4c11295a2ddccc9d8 .uf564b31a183105b4c11295a2ddccc9d8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf564b31a183105b4c11295a2ddccc9d8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Hamlet character analysis for EssayMy last scenario is a person at around thirty or forty. You can see anold beat-up pickup drive in and park in front of one of the bars. He walks intothe bar, a half-an-hour later he stumbles out and heads to another bar. Twohours later, and a twelve pack more, he stumbles his way out of the second bar. He walks to his pickup opens the door
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Wasp Kim Jong Un free essay sample
Prompt: Joan of Arkansas. Queen Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Babe Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Mash up a historical figure with a new time period, environment, location, or occupation, and tell us their story. EXT. FLOWER BATCH DAY. Wasps are wandering around a field of flowers, exploring the outdoors to see what adventures lurks around. One wasp, Wasp Kim Jong Un, however, has a different plan.. Kim Jong Un Right now, we may be equals. But one day, you will all work for me! Worker 1 Um Kim, bro, who are you talking to? Kim Jong Un How dare you listen to my murmurs! Do you wish to be executed?! Worker 1 Woah man, chill. I want to get back to the hive as much as you do. We’re just trying to explore here. Kim Jong Un Ugh, exploring. Isn’t there something fun to do in this boring flower batch!? Bee Kim Jong Un begins to fly away from his flower and towards what seems to be a vulnerable human being. We will write a custom essay sample on Wasp Kim Jong Un or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Kim Jong Un Even though the people in my hive won’t accept my dominance, that does not mean I am not superior! How that infuriates me! So much that I just want..to..sting! Human Ow! I think something just bit me! Kim Jong Un Ha ha! Oh how good the pain of others feel! I must go and share my success! Kim Jong Un Everyone! I have just stung my first human, that’s one less person to go under my wing! Join me, as I overthrow this world one by one! Worker 2 Is that one okay? Why does he keep talking to himself? Worker 1 I don’t know man, he’s been doing that all morning. Kim Jong Un Sting People, Not Flowers! Sting People Not Flowers! Another human has caught the eye of Kim Jong Un. This time, however, the human is seen wearing a loose white uniform and netted mask around his face. Kim Jong Un Ah ha! Another human! Huh? Why am I stuck? My stinger won’t come out of this stupid suit! Bee Keeper Oh what do we have here? Wow! This is the funniest wasp I’ve ever seen! He’s so round and chubby, with such short antennas! Even his fat stinger got stuck! It’s a wonder those wings could carry such a heavy weight! I must investigate. Kim Jong Un Whatwhat’re you doing? Let go of me this instant! I just tamed you, you must follow my orders! Bee Keeper I need to go to my lab, I think I just found the fattest bee in the world! This could make history! Wasp Kim Jong Un was taken to the bee laboratory where he was weighed, massed, and contained in their display shelf. People from all over the world come to ridicule the insect and be amused by his figure. Researchers till this day still have not been able to identify the reason why such fragile wings were able to carry such a heavy abdomen. They were also shocked at his surprising short antennas, seeing that it must have been impossible to fly with the terrible body condition he was in. Although Wasp Kim Jong Un was not able to fulfill his dream of world domination, in a strange twist of fate, he allowed the world to dominate him instead.
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